Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Discussions Replies Education Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conversations Replies Education - Coursework Example Shield your decision. 1. Posted: by: Margarett  Both craftsmanship and culture have been the huge pieces of prior hundreds of years. On the off chance that we investigate the relationship among expressions and culture that existed in the 20thâ century, we come to realize that there had been a nearby association between them. For instance, craftsmen of the 20thâ century spoke to the general culture of that century through their craftsmanships. 20thâ century is known as the start of today’s period of innovation. The craftsmen of the 20thâ century incredibly uncovered the components of innovation, expressionism, and deliberations in their works of art. In addition, the craftsmen of the late 20thcentury additionally uncovered through their works of art the requirement for change and harmony that individuals needed after the two major occasions of war that happened in the primary portion of the century. In my view, the craftsman who best spoke to the social and social patt erns of his timespan through his fine arts was Pablo Picasso. He was a Spanish painter and stone worker who reevaluated the establishments of workmanship in the 20thâ century through including the shadow of continuous developments and generally speaking condition in his craftsmanships. My Response: Taking it above and beyond, I can't help thinking that the specialists of the mid twentieth century were progressively mindful of the movement of craftsmanship. What I mean is, the craftsmen, albeit now and again isolated by mainlands seemed, by all accounts, to be increasingly mindful and perceptive of what different specialists were taking a shot at, what enlivened them, the advancement of workmanship during this time made significantly more fast strides than state craftsmanship a hundred years prior. Clearly the mechanical age and the start of the innovative unrest had something to do with that †however one can’t help yet wonder if workmanship and culture were not signific antly more firmly associated with the craftsmen of the twentieth century than it had ever been previously. 2. Posted by: Andrea  Picasso is an extraordinary model. His specialty is so totally different than the craft of his predecessors.â it could be said, craftsmen like him were facing enormous challenges, leaving from the standard! Class, what do you think it was that gave individuals the stimulus to start facing greater challenges regarding craftsmanship and music during this time?â My Response: Andrea, valid statement - Picasso certainly left from the standard! In any case, craftsmanship in the mid twentieth century was tied in with going amiss from the standard and making better approaches for articulation. Though craftsmanship in past hundreds of years had been increasingly about steadily receiving new styles and mirroring the bosses, specialty of the twentieth century advanced at such a fast and break neck pace that craftsmen appeared to do all conceivable to communi cate their own preferences and separate themselves. This aggregate mentality is the thing that demonstrated twentieth century craftsmanship to be so various and changed in such a brief timeframe scale. 3. Posted: by: Dawna The other century guided another perspective into the craftsmanship world.â With the world despite everything recuperating from theâ atrocities of WWI, numerous craftsmen mirrored this in their style.â another type of workmanship was beginning, the ism movement.â Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, and German Expressionism.â Pablo Picasso obviously, was an immense figure in this development, with his extraordinary style and utilization of colors.â Many individuals that were utilized to progressively conventional craftsmanship discovered his style and sort of workmanship upsetting and confusing.â I feel the one craftsman that typifies the time however would need to be Ernest Hemingway.â His perspective composing styles of WWI and help express the emotions a fter the war and the sentiment of misfortune that many felt.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Criticisms of 19th Century Life Is Dickens Making in the Novel Great Expectations Essay Example for Free
What Criticisms of nineteenth Century Life Is Dickens Making in the Novel Great Expectations Essay Charles Dickens composed the novel Great Expectations in 1861. He initially composed it as week by week portions for a magazine called ‘All the all year. ’ In the novel he condemned numerous things about nineteenth century life, for instance, the significance of being a man of honor and economic wellbeing, wrongdoing and discipline, adolescence and to wrap things up the job of ladies. Charles Dickens was conceived on seventh February, 1812, and went through the initial nine years of his life living in the beach front areas of Kent. Dickens’s father, John, was a sort and amiable man, however he was sad with cash and accumulated huge obligations for a mind-blowing duration. At the point when Dickens was nine, his family moved to London and when he was twelve, his dad was captured and brought to jail for unpaid obligations. Dickens’s mother moved his seven siblings and sisters into jail with their dad, however she organized the youthful Dickens to live alone outside the jail and work with other kids gluing marks on bottles in a blacking distribution center. Dickens found the three months he spent separated from his family exceptionally awful. Not exclusively was simply the activity hopeless, yet he viewed himself as unreasonably bravo, gaining the disdain of different kids. After his dad was discharged from jail, Dickens came back to class. He in the long run turned into a law agent, at that point a court correspondent, lastly an author. Huge numbers of the occasions from Dickens’s early life are reflected in Great Expectations, which, aside from David Copperfield, is his most personal novel. Pip, the novel’s legend lives in the bog nation, works at a vocation he loathes, sees himself as unreasonably useful for his environmental factors, and encounters material achievement in London at an early age, precisely as Dickens himself did. Moreover, one of the novel’s most engaging characters, Wemmick, is a law representative, and the law, equity, and the courts are exceptionally significant segments of the story. In Victorian culture, a man of his word was an individual of upper or working class. Normally, one was naturally introduced to being a piece of the upper class as it was practically difficult to climb the social chain of importance. Being a piece of this tip top area of the class framework is the thing that Dickens investigates and in doing so abuses the uncertainty of the term ‘gentleman’ and the entanglements with respect to what causes a man to become man of his word. One of the significant reactions of nineteenth century life in the novel is the need to recognize social glory and good worth. Dickens investigates this subject by interrogating thoughts concerning the idea of a respectable man. Pip is vital to this topic, as he speaks to the connection between the social classes. He is the town kid who turns into a courteous fellow with the assistance of a crook. Be that as it may, the differentiating view given through Herbert Pocket and his dad gives us that ‘no man who was not a genuine courteous fellow on the most fundamental level, at any point was, since the world started, a genuine man of honor in way. Despite the fact that Herbert has next to no cash, he is verifiably a man of his word, both in the social sense, as he is very much conceived and has gotten a high society instruction, and in the ethical sense, as he shows Pip social graces, and, by model, that habits are useless except if they get from sound good standards. This is likewise outlined through Compeyson, Miss Havershams darling, who had a shallow tastefulness that blinded individuals to his genuine nature. ‘He’s a noble man, you don't mind, this villain’. Drummle is one more case of an overstated sort of noble man. In spite of the fact that he has acquired cash, and extraordinary desires, he has no ethical guidelines and stays inert, glad, held and dubious. Dickens saw two sorts of refined men, Joe Gargery, who is a straightforward and dedicated metal forger. He is additionally modest and kind. This was shown when he asserted that his dad who was likewise a smithy ‘What sume’er the failings on his part, recollect peruser he were that acceptable in his heart. ’ However, Drummle characterized through his insight into social behavior, the degree of his training, appearance and salary. Dickens appeared in his novel that one shouldn't be well off and taught to be a respectable man. Wrongdoing and discipline is a key subject in ‘Great Expectations’ which is connected near equity and foul play. Pip is acquainted with wrongdoing and crooks at an opportune time when he is stood up to with Magwitch on the swamps. This experience constrains Pip to take from his own family, the iron record and the pork pie. So the principal wrongdoing we see perpetrated is by Pip, which is huge on the grounds that the book is based on wrongdoing and how Pip gets increasingly included. When Magwitch is gotten, he is taken to the jail mass where Pip got an understanding into the equity framework and perceived how the detainees were dealt with. Dickenss disappointment with the jail framework is clear when Wemmick is giving Pip a mobile visit through the avenues of London. Additional proof of Dickens concern can be found in Pips response to the Debtors Door of Newgate Prison, in which guilty parties came to be hanged. Utilizing Pip as a vessel to communicate his dormant perspectives on hoodlums, Dickens communicates his profound established recollections of destitution and a dad condemned to indebted individuals jail. This negates the way that, in actuality, Dickens ‘believed’ the ‘model prisons’ to be excessively indulgent to their detainees and praised rather the ideals of hard and unrewarding work, a system which depended more upon discipline than moral improvement. This recommends, in actuality, Dickens felt that it was increasingly critical to concentrate on the discipline of crooks, as opposed to allowing them another opportunity to vindicate themselves. Additional proof of Dickenss worry for most extreme discipline can be found in this announcement with respect to the discipline of a neighborhood road miscreant: ‘I would have his back scarified frequently and deep’. This disposition no doubt originates from the way that Dickens legitimate preparing gave him a far stricter point of view toward detainees. Dickens is regularly credited for being powerful in the death of the Capital Punishment Act of 1868, which restricted open executions Dickens because against open executions was on the grounds that he felt they just caused individuals to identify a lot with killer, as opposed to the person in question. Dickens paints an incredibly distinctive image of youth through the eyes and brain of Pip and sees the world through the eyes of a youngster. This was conceivable on the grounds that Dickens comprehended the considerations and sentiments of kids and applied this to Pips each idea and activity when he composed the novel. Dickens had an undeniable present for making kid characters in his works. The word ‘pip’ itself alludes to a seed from a plant. Seeds should be supported in the event that they are to develop and thrive. So as to comprehend both Dickens ability and his impulse to expound on kids it imperative to understand that through the characters in his books he took up the situation everything being equal. In Dickens perspective on adolescence, he felt that kids have certain necessities, for instance, direction in a sustaining home, to be liberated from passionate and physical maltreatment, to have decent instruction, and to be permitted to utilize their minds and as in the novel, Pip’s father figure, Joe Gargery needed to buckle down like his dad before him and didn't get training. The expression ‘brought up by hand’ inferred passionate and physical maltreatment but then it was intended to mind and love in an exceptionally cruel manner. With the goal for youngsters to prevail in life he felt these necessities must be met. Through his depiction of youngster characters in the novel, Great Expectations, Dickens exhibits how grown-ups once in a while, nor sufficiently accommodated these specific needs that kids have. In Great Expectations one can perceive how the ladies who fit Dickens thoughts were compensated with cheerful lives, normally as marriage. Like on account of Biddy, she was a medical caretaker to a debilitated Mrs. Joe and was the encapsulation of home life. She was later compensated with a glad life by her union with Joe. Dickens envisions two kinds of ladies, subordinate and rebellious, and rewards ladies as indicated by their capacity to render household congruity On the other hand, the ladies who didn't fit in with these thoughts were rebuffed somehow. Despite the fact that not all of Dickens perspectives reflected what was run of the mill of the period, many did. Extraordinary Expectations is an impression of those perspectives that were in all likelihood empowered by the ladies throughout his life. He accepted the same number of did during the Victorian time frame that the womans place was in the home. Ladies were the parental figures of the world. Their lives should be fixated on their family, for instance, characters like Biddy and Clara Barley fill the role of a characteristic, nurturing type. Biddy assumes control over thinking about Joe and Pip after Mrs. Joe is assaulted by Orlick and passes on before long. Biddy, similar to Pip, is a vagrant. She was the one that instructed Pip to peruse and later educated Joe. Incredible Expectations is set in early Victorian England, when extraordinary social changes were clearing the country. The Industrial Revolution of the late eighteenth and mid nineteenth hundreds of years had changed the social andscape, empowering entrepreneurs and makers to store up enormous fortunes. Albeit social class was not, at this point completely reliant on the conditions of one’s birth, the divisions among rich and poor remained about as wide as could be. All through England, the habits of the high society were exceptionally severe and moderate: men of their word and women were relied upon to have exhaustive traditional instructions and to carry on properly in multitudinous social circumstances These reactions as characterized by Dickens in his novel were felt in pretty much every feature of Great Expectations. Pip’s unexpected ascent from nation worker to city refined man constrains him to move starting with one social outrageous then onto the next while managing th
Monday, August 17, 2020
Hey VMars fans
Hey VMars fans Oh my God. I was peacefully watching Veronica Mars last week, when Wallace Fennel exposited that he wants to be a mechanical engineer. And that totally made my day. Engineers rock. Of course, Wallace is failing MechE and then cheated, like an idiot! So of course he got caught, and I’m supremely disappointed in his lack of judgment. Still. Mechanical engineering! So awesome! On that note, what does everyone think of the new season? I dont think anything could ever possibly compete with season 1, and Im just going to have to accept that. Still, I could use a little more snark in my life, you think? Responses to Comments Nur asked: Just out curiosity, how does one join RingComm? Towards the end of your freshman year, the freshman class council will email the class, asking for people who are interested in joining RingComm. Those interested people send in applications, and the class council does some magical process to determine the members of RingComm. Elizabeth asked: Stupid question: I hear that sometimes when you apply online, you have to keep your essays under the word limit because if you go over itll just stop printing at the 500th word. Will that happen to mine? If I have a really good 505-word essay should I just submit it on paper? Avril said: elizabeth The MIT online application does not cut you off after 500 words, or at all as far as I can tell. In your MyMIT account, if you go to Section 8 of Part Two, you can view a PDF preview of what your application will look like on paper. UmI have never heard of such a thing. 505 words is perfectly acceptable and will not be cut off- just check the pdf preview of the essay before submitting it to make sure everything turned out the way you expected- which you should do anyway! Shabie asked: Well that really was a good post Laura but from what I have seen, what really matters to these people is academic record especially in the case of international students. I am also an international student from Pakistan. I know people who got into MIT as international students. They really had not much in my opinion as compared to the things selection committee sees but an exceptionally good record of academics. Perhaps they do consider that in a country like Pakistan there isnt much opportunities for students to excel in different areas. Pakistan is very very different from USA. What do you think? Faizan asked: Moreover, I have also heard that almost ALL of international students at MIT have earned some form of regional, national or international distinction. Well, you’re exactly right that international admissions is super competitive, even more so than domestic admissions. And you’re also right that a large percentage of internationals have really awesome awards and accomplishments, but I certainly wouldn’t say all. Also, of course your academic record is important. No one is saying that MIT students aren’t smart, excellent students. What I’m saying is that there’s a lot more to life than getting all your homework right, and those are the things that will make the difference. Thuita Maina asked:: I sat for SAT 1 and I messed up in one section in Critical reading I left out one question and went ahead filling the answer of the question in the space of the question I had left and I went ahead that way. I realised the mistake last minute and I could not correct. I feel I might not score highly in critical reading as I had anticipated. Is there a way MIT admissions officers can get to know about this so that they dont think I am an international armed with inadequate English? Yikes! In cases like that, can’t you cancel the score? I think you should have spoken to the proctor at the time, but I guess it’s too late for that. I would definitely explain this on your application, and maybe also contact the collegeboard and see if they have any advice for you. Rohan Malik asked: Im Rohan Malik, a science and economics IB kid considering applying to MITI really love the sciences, but Ive heard and read (on your site) stuff that suggest that MIT is sort of high on pressure. is that true? Like did you ever get too many physicists in your first year, or feel like everything was academically orientedthat some people were too competitive? Because I really enjoy working with people who are a lot smarter than I am, but it may just become an overdose if thats 80% of them proving it all dayitd be nice if there was a mix of people, some of whom were good at the arts, or stuff that wasnt academic. does that happen? Do you find the group of students friendly and supportive? I was just wondering what you thought Well, first of all, MIT is hard. So is there a lot of pressure? I’d say so. If you’re worried about doing well, and stuck in the middle of a problem set late at night, you will certainly feel a lot of pressure. At the same time, there are plenty of other things to do to occupy your time. People here are good at all kinds of things- music, theatre, sports, random skills like origami. =) You really shouldn’t have a problem finding people with varied interests. Just last night I went to see The Tempest performed by MIT’s Shakespeare Ensemble, and it rocked pretty hard, in my own personal opinion. Most importantly, people here are not competitive! I promise you I mean it, because that was one of my own biggest concerns about coming to MIT. I went to a pretty competitive high school, and it drove me insane to listen to my classmates argue with our teachers to get 2 points back on a test where they already had a 97. As the saying goes, MIT is so hard that people are too busy trying to survive to worry about impressing each other. Problem sets are usually designed to be collaborative (i.e., professors expect you to work together to do the homework, so they make it appropriately hard). Collaboration is a big theme at MIT. Of course everyone wants to do well, and no one minds beating their ex on an exam, but seriously- if you need help, you can find it. A few weeks ago, a couple of freshmen were up late at night, working on an 18.02 problem set. They asked me a simple question about Matlab, and I soon realized that they were struggling through a problem set that I remember making m e utterly miserable just last semester. So I sat down with them and helped them figure it out. (It took a bit of remembering on my part.) The bottom line is, they went to bed several hours sooner than I did the night I had the same pset.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Human Resource Management Essay - 791 Words
Effective Performance Appraisals Latoya Cannon BUS303: Human Resource management Instructor: Gwnedolyn McCants-Allen April 24, 2013 A performance appraisal helps with developing information on an employee, which will help determine if the objectives that were set forth have been met, and what needs to be improved to help with the success of the company. This evaluation happens once a year to help the employer determine whether or not an employee is a great asset for the company. Performance appraisal is very important for staff motivation, communicating, and an individual’s contribution towards the company success. Each performance appraisal must be accurate, and thought through to ensure that appraisals is effective, and to help†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Effective appraisal systems link performance ratings to organizational rewards. Research consistently indicates that, to maximize the effectiveness of a pay-for-performance program, organizational rewards must link greater rewards to superior job performance. When employees feel that their rated performance is accurate and reflects the full ra nge of their contributions to the organization, their motivation to perform increases. On the other hand, when employees feel that performance ratings are inaccurate or a function of politics, they tend to perform only to minimum standards, be absent more often, engage in theft, or quit. (Longenecker amp; Fink, 1999, P.1) If a performance appraisal is bias, it can effect an employee’s working relationship. If a performance appraisal is bias, it could be misleading to the employee; this can hinder the employee’s growth within the company. This can effective the employee ability to meet objectives that was set. â€Å"It is also important that the appraisal system be designed expressly to measure and assess performance, rather than for other unrelated or indirectly related goals. Otherwise, performance evaluations will be biased and their outcomes will be misleading for both the employees and the organization. For example, performance appraisals can be used solely to determine annual raises or bonuses instead of as a way to provide employees with feedback about their performance and help them improve. In these cases, managers tend toShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management1140 Words  | 5 Pagesa business efficiently? Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resources is the solid foundation that practically oversees the entire organization, whether its managing employees to surveilling the progress of every single department. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of The Article Bad Food Subsidies It, And...
In the essay by Mark Bittman â€Å"Bad Food? Tax it, and Subsidize Vegetables Instead,†Bittman offers an idea on how to change the Standard American Diet: making healthy food cheaper and fast, processed food more expensive. Calculating the tax to increase one penny would make a difference in the price and the decision of the people as to whether or not the people will purchase processed foods. With taxes on carbonated drinks and processed foods, profits from the proposal should increase due to the amount of money it would bring into the government and the benefits of a healthier American. Bittman’s results remove chronic health diseases that reinvent the way we eat. In â€Å"Nickle and Dimed on Not Getting by in America,†Barbara Ehrenreich†¦show more content†¦Also pointing out, â€Å"But since poor people suffer disproportionately from the cost of high-quality, fresh foods, subsidizing those foods would be particularly beneficial to them†(Bit tman 295), Bittman understands that most of the jobs that are not getting enough money for their work are the physical, blue collar jobs. Because these jobs are physically demanding, they need as much energy as their job demands. Since energy comes from the food that we consume, Bittman finds it important to consume the better, healthier food. Similar to Bittman, Ehrenreich believes that money is a big issue when it comes to deciding what kind of food to buy. As Ehrenreich concludes her month of working on the minimum salary, she realizes that she ends up with less money than what she starts with. Ehrenreich explains: There are no secret economies that nourish the poor; on the contrary, there is a host of special costs. If you can’t put up the two months’ rent you need to secure an apartment, you end up paying through the nose for a room by the week. If you only have a room, with a hot plate at best, you can’t save by cooking up huge lentil stews that can be frozen for the week ahead. You eat fast food, of the hot dogs and Styrofoam cups of soup that can be microwaved in a convenience store (Ehrenreich 253). Showing her understanding of the true life of a low-wage worker, she starts to emphasize. This low-wage cycle will continue. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Annotated Bibliography Example Free Essays
Annotated Bibliography Reina Garza Diana Hollinger, Russ Sperling, JoAnn Ford (2009, november 5). the state of music education in schools. (M. We will write a custom essay sample on Annotated Bibliography Example or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cavanaugh, Interviewer) * When test scores go down in math and reading, the emphasis is put on those basic subjects to the detriment of other so-called elective courses. And now the combination of standardized testing and budget cuts have put art and music classes in the highest of high-risk categories,†(par 1) * â€Å"when you speak with great educators, and look behind the test scores, the lessons learned in studying music, learning to play an instrument, playing in a band, learning to read music, all provide a richness to a child’s education that will last a lifetime,†(par 1). * Because of the declining math and reading scores, it is causing the students to double up on classes. This then does not give them time to take any form of music education. par 12). * â€Å"You cannot cut something for one or two years and say, oh, we’ll bring it back next year because the cuts are long term,†(par 16). * We still have about half the number of music students in music education in K-through-12. And we’ve never fully recovered and partly that’s because we start cutting the things that are the least visible fi rst, which would be elementary music and then junior high music because the things that are most visible are the marching band at the football game†¦and the choir at, you know, at graduation and those sorts of things in high school. But it’s like cutting off the roots; the flower only lasts just so long,†(par 16 ;amp; 18). * Some schools outsource their music programs. This then makes the teacher work with the students after school. Diana says, â€Å"we can’t just do a little music. Let’s outsource this and sing some songs after school. That’s not how you teach. You don’t teach algebra that way, you don’t teach somebody to read that way, you don’t teach science that way. You cannot teach anything that way. So it’s very important that you have a structured, you know, step-by-step education so that students have access. Understanding how to read music and to sing music and to play music is access. It’s social justice,†(par 30). Harken, J. V. (2003, august 20). budgets cut student expeirence . Retrieved may 24, 2012, from CNN: http://articles. cnn. com/2003-08-13/politics/sprj. sch. cuts_1_budget-cuts-music-or-science-math? _s=PM:EDUCATION * â€Å"If a student’s talents lie in art, or music or science, they lose out,†(par 8). Schools believe that math and reading are the most important subjects, so if the students have declining test scores, then all the other programs are cut while math and reading/English are funded even more. (par 7 amp; 8) * â€Å"For many kids, that’s why they come to school, for the band or chorus or sports. †(par 18). * Students interested in developing business or music skills would have to look outside the school for programs or private tutors they go to on their own time, Johnson said. People have to compensate. If the student can’t afford it, well, that’s the downside to this situation. â€Å"†(par 25). Houck, Olivia. (2009). 2009-10: Against Cutting Art and Music Programs in Schools. Retrieved may 24, 2012, from morrison institute: http://morrisoninstitute. asu. edu/young-stewards-of-public-policy/essays/2009-10-the-voting-problem * â€Å"Overall, reports have shown that the percentage of kids with access to music has declined 50% in the past five years,†(par 1). â€Å"The study of music, theatre, and other forms of art have been shown to stimulate other parts of student’s minds and even keep them out of gangs and other harmful situations,†(par 1). * â€Å"â€Å"95% percent of Americans believe that music is a key-component in a child’s well-rounded education, 80% percent of respondents agreed that music makes the participants smarter; 78% believe that learning a musical instrument helps students perform better in other subject areas; and 88% believe participation in music helps teach children discipline†(Hurley 3),†(par 1). â€Å"â€Å"Within two to three years, every school that cuts arts showed a decrease in morale and attendance and an increase in vandalism and disruptions, and within three years most of them had to add extensive disciplinary staff to account for the problems that were created by not providing the full range of experiences that human beings need†(Hurley 2). †(par 3). Nelson, TJ. (2005, march 5). dumbing down, the dwindling funding of the arts. Retrieved may 24, 2012, from worldmusiccentral. org: http://worldmusiccentral. org/article. php/2005030922083613 â€Å"One Ipswich high school senior, Reeve Pierson, calculated the participation in his school and found that out of 629 students 445 participated in the music and art programs,†(par 6). * â€Å"†Students with coursework/experience in music performance and music appreciation scored higher on the SAT: students in music performance scored 57 points higher on the verbal and 41 points higher on the math, and students in music appreciation scored 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on the math, than did students with no arts participation†.  College-Bound Seniors National Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers. Princeton, NJ: The College Entrance Examination Board, 2001†(par 8). * â€Å"â€Å"Secondary students who participated in band or orchestra reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances (alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs). † Texas Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse Report. Reported in Houston Chronicle, January 1998†(par 9) * â€Å"*Thirty-six out of 57 states and territories in the US plan to slash funding for culture. Estimates suggest that funds will be reduced from $355 million to $274 million in the 2004 fiscal year according to Americans for the Arts. Florida governor, Jeb Bush, reduced his state’s arts funding from $28 million to $5. 9 million. Colorado’s arts budget shriveled to a mere $200,000. †(par 13). * â€Å"There’s something utterly captivating in listening to the musical rendition of â€Å"She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain†by a bunch of first-graders on kazoos and percussion instruments. What kind of society will we be without the squawky notes of â€Å"Greensleeves†emanating from an open window as a fourth-grader practices on a black, plastic recorder? What kind of cultural identity do we preserve and pass on without a music education? What happens to us if we become a country without a culture, without a voice, without a song? †(par 16). * â€Å"I guess Air Force One should invest in a good sound system and a CD of Sousa marches, because a future president might be stepping of the plane into the adulation of crowds, not to the strains of â€Å"Hail to the Chief†played by a school orchestra but to a bunch of kids holding up multiplication table flashcards,†(par 17). music Statistics/music advocacy quotations. n. d. ). Retrieved may 24, 2012, from heritageweb. org: http://www. heritageweb. org/~sanderson/MusicAdvocacyStatsandQuotes. pdf | | * Students with good rhythmic ability can more easily detect and differentiate between patterns in math, music, science, and the visual arts. -â€Å"Rhythm seen as key to man’s evolutionary development,†TCAMS Professional resource Center, 2000. * A 1997 study of elementary students in arts-based programs concluded that students’ math test scores rose as their time in arts education classes increased. â€Å"Arts Exposure and Class Performance,†Phi Delta Kappan, October, 1998. * The arts are recognized as a core subject in the Goals 2000: Educate America Act approved by both houses of Congress in 1994. -National Education Goals Panel * â€Å"In every successful business. there is one budget line that never gets cut. It’s called â€Å"Product Development†– and it’s the key to any company’s future growth. Music education is critical to the product development of this nation’s most important resource – our children. -John Sykes – President, VH1 * â€Å"Music is about communication, creativity, and cooperation, and by studying music in schoo l, students have the opportunity to build on these skills, enrich their lives, and experience the world from a new perspective. †-Bill Clinton, Former President of the United States of America * â€Å"The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and arithmetic. music, dance, painting, and theater are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment. †-William Bennett, Former US Secretary of Education | How to cite Annotated Bibliography Example, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Nstp 1 free essay sample
Taking up NSTP 1 is fun and informative at the same time. I have learned many things from the beginning of the lecture about the bill of rights, up to the last meeting . Also I learned much about the environment and known whatever I learned there, will never be forgotten just that I should be able to apply the knowledge I have acquired. Before , I thought that disaster just cause destruction to human lives and material but the truth is it also disrupts the function of society.I also found out that the reason why disaster occur is not onlybecause of the climate change or unbalanced ecosystem, but also because of the â€Å"low level of political and social organization â€Å" , which has been discussed by Mr. Abraham so I realized, in order to prevent disasters, we should be united, organized and start doing good things for the environment.Ihad a lots of fun listening to the lecture about drugs too, although I have completely made up my mind not to take any harmful dgurs, the informatio have lheard will be of great help. We will write a custom essay sample on Nstp 1 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I will be more careful not to trust strangers, now that I know that there is ROHYPNOL, the ‘Date Rape Drug’ which cause amnesia, fatigue, dizziness to the victim. I really enjoyed the lessons about Disaster and Risk Management, I learned about how to be safe in times of disasters like earthquakes,tsunami and many more.In NSTP 1 , I have been taught to be responsible adult. The last lecture encourage me more participate since it is in factone of our basic human rights which we often neglect. I also made up my mind that I will be taking for NSTP II because I want to help children and share what I know without asking for anything in return. By doing simple things, we can contribute to our nation’s development because remember that big things come from small things.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Buddha Image in Asian Art Work
Buddha image is one of the most prominent and the origin of Asian art work. This image is inclined more towards Buddhist religion which most Hindu’s believe (Krishan 62). Before Buddha image came in to existence, Buddhist never used to worship images or forms.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Buddha Image in Asian Art Work specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The man behind the religion was called Buddha Vakali and he was devoted to teaching people concerning this religion. He taught them against worshiping images since he made them believe that God was formless (Coomaraswamy para. 8) Until the 1st century AD, Buddhist followers remained faithful to his teachings and never used to worship the Buddha image. However, after Buddha Vakali passed on, some of his followers were worried that he would never come back. One of the Buddha’s disciples Maudgalyayana invested magic and sent some thirty two artists up to heaven in order to capture the image of the god Buddha used to teach them about. It is therefore believed that the author of Buddha image was Shakyamuni, one of the artists sent to heaven by Maudgalyayana who can be considered as the patron of this art work. When Shakyamuni together with the other thirty one artists went to heaven, they captured the image and the likeness of Buddha in a five feet figure curved out of sandalwood. When they returned from heaven, it is recorded that the image was such perfect that it rose up to greet Shakyamuni. It is said that the first person start worshiping this image contrary to Buddha teachings was king Vadya of Vatsa, yet he was a very devoted follower (Coomaraswamy para. 8). Since the first Buddha image was curved, many artists have curved and painted a variety of images according to a person’s belief of how Buddha is supposed to look. Most of these images resemble human beings whereby their major purpose is worship and continuity of the religion (Krishan 62). Buddha images are usually made for Buddha followers and they are usually kept in their houses of worship to ensure that every person is in a position to worship without limit. The first Buddha image was curved in sandalwood though this has been changing with time (Coomaraswamy para. 8). Today, most of these images are made of precious stones though there is a wide variety of wooden images since the image is regarded with a lot of respect due to its religious significance. However, most artists have turned this in to business whereby they finance projects for making Buddha images after which they sell them in order to recover their money as well as making some profits.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People have come up with various postures of Buddha sculptures depending on the belief of the events that took place in his life on a particular. There are seven postures of the image representing the events that took place each day (Thong para. 1). All the Buddha images carry the message of Buddha’s superiority as the only image that should be worshipped on land. Most Buddhists have responded positively to the work of the first person who came up with this image since they have continued worshiping the image and it has spread out to many parts of Asia. The various Buddha images are a great investment in Asian Art work. Their popularity across the world has enabled many people see the potential that lies among Asians and their ability to communicate through art. Apart from Buddha images, Asian artwork is recognized worldwide and generates a lot of revenue to the Asians both locally and across the geographic boundaries. Work Cited Coomaraswamy, Anada. Origin of Buddha Image. Controversial History, 2009. Web. Krishan, Yuvraj. The Buddha Image: Origin and Development. New Delhi, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1996. Print. Thong, Ang. Buddha Images for the Seven Days of the Week. Buddha Images, 2011. Web. This essay on Buddha Image in Asian Art Work was written and submitted by user Jaylee Craig to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
How to Trace Your Family Tree in Mexico
How to Trace Your Family Tree in Mexico Due to hundreds of years of meticulous record-keeping, Mexico offers a wealth of church and civil records for the genealogical and historical researcher. It is also the homeland of one in every 10 Americans. Learn more about your Mexican heritage, with these steps for tracing your family tree in Mexico. Mexico has a rich history stretching back to ancient times. Archaeology sites around the country speak of ancient civilizations flourishing in what is present-day Mexico thousands of years before the arrival of the first Europeans, such as the Olmec, thought by some to be the mother culture of Mesoamerican civilization, who lived around 1200 to 800 BC, and the Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula who flourished from about 250 BC to 900 AD. Spanish Rule During the early 15th century the fierce Aztecs rose to power, maintaining dominance over the region until they were defeated in 1519 by Hernan Cortes and his group of just over 900 Spanish explorers. Called New Spain, the territory then came under control of the Spanish Crown. Spanish kings encouraged the exploration of new lands by granting conquistadors the right to establish settlements in exchange for one-fifth (el quinto real, or the royal fifth) of any treasure discovered. The colony of New Spain rapidly outgrew the initial borders of the Aztec Empire, encompassing all of present-day Mexico, as well as Central America (as far south as Costa Rica), and much of the present-day southwest United States, including all or parts of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. Spanish Society The Spanish continued to rule over most of Mexico until 1821 when Mexico achieved status as an independent country. During that time, the availability of inexpensive land attracted other Spanish immigrants who sought the social status afforded to land owners by Spanish society at that time. These permanent settlers gave rise to four distinct social classes: Peninsulars, or the ruling class, were people born in Spain or Portugal. To maintain the line, some men sent their wives back to Spain to give birth, to ensure that their children also achieved peninsular status.Criollos were people of pure Spanish descent who were born in New Spain. It was this group, with the support of mestizos and other lower classes, that initiated the 11 years of rebellion to claim independence for Mexico in 1821, in response to increasing taxes and regulations by the Crown.Mestizos were people of mixed blood (generally used to identify Spanish/Indian ancestry) who ranked lower than the criollos in New Spain’s social hierarchy. Most Mexicans today (more than 65%) are descended from this group.Indigenas are the native Indians of Mexico. Prior to Mexican independence, several classifications were commonly used by the Spanish to identify people with Indian ancestry, including: indio (Indian), mestizo (half Indian/half white), zambo (half-Indian/half African ) and lobo (three-quarters African/one-quarter Indian). While Mexico has welcomed many other immigrants to its shores, the majority of its population descends from the Spanish, the Indians, or are of mixed Spanish and Indian heritage (mestizos). Blacks and some Asians are also part of the Mexican population. Where Did They Live? To conduct a successful family history search in Mexico, youll first need to know the name of the town where your ancestors lived, and the name of the municipio in which the town was located. It is also helpful to be familiar with the names of nearby towns and villages, as your ancestors may have left records there as well. As with genealogy research in most countries, this step is essential. Your family members may be able to provide you with this information but, if not, there are steps to help you find the birthplace of the ancestor. The Federal Republic of Mexico is made up of 32 states and the Distrito Federal (federal district). Each state is then divided into municipios (equivalent to a U.S. county), which may include several cities, towns and villages. Civil records are kept by the municipio, which church records will generally be found in the town or village. Civil Records in Mexico (1859 - present) Civil registration records in Mexico are government-required records of births (nacimientos), deaths (defunciones) and marriages (matrimonios). Known as Registro Civil, these civil records are an excellent source of names, dates and vital events for a large percentage of the population living in Mexico since 1859. The records are not complete, however, as people did not always comply, and civil registration wasnt strictly enforced in Mexico until 1867. Civil registration records in Mexico, with the exception of the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca, are maintained at the municipio level. Many of these civil records have been microfilmed by the Family History Library, and can be researched through your local Family History Center. Digital images of these Mexico Civil Registration Records are starting to be made available online for free at FamilySearch Record Search. You can also obtain copies of civil registration records in Mexico by writing to the local civil registry for the municipio. Older civil records, however, may have been transferred to the municipio or the state archive. Ask that your request be forwarded, just in case! Church Records in Mexico (1530 - present) Records of baptism, confirmation, marriage, death, and burial have been maintained by individual parishes in Mexico for almost 500 years. These records are especially useful for researching ancestors prior to 1859, when civil registration went into effect, although they may also provide information on events after that date that can not be found in the civil records. The Roman Catholic church, established in Mexico in 1527, is the predominant religion in Mexico. To research your ancestors in Mexican church records, youll first have to know the parish and city or town of residence. If your ancestor lived in a small town or village without an established parish, use a map to find nearby towns with a church that your ancestors may have attended. If your ancestor lived in a large city with several parishes, their records may be found in more than one parish. Begin your search with the parish where your ancestor lived, then expand the search to nearby parishes, if necessary. Parish church registers may record information on several generations of the family, making them an extremely valuable resource for researching a Mexican family tree. Many church records from Mexico are included in the Mexican Vital Records Index from This free, online database indexes almost 1.9 million birth and christening and 300,000 marriage records from Mexico, a partial listing of vital records covering the years 1659 to 1905. Additional indexes of Mexican baptisms, marriages and burials from selected localities and time periods are available on FamilySearch Record Search, along with selected Catholic Church records. The Family History Library has most Mexican church records prior to 1930 available on microfilm. Search the Family History Library Catalog under the town in which your ancestors parish was located to learn what church records are available. These can then be borrowed from and viewed at your local Family History Center. If the church records you seek are not available through the Family History Library, youll need to write directly to the parish. Write your request in Spanish, if possible, including as many details as possible about the person and records you seek. Ask for a photocopy of the original record, and send a donation (around $10.00 usually works) to cover research time and copies. Most Mexican parishes accept U.S. currency in the form of cash or a cashiers check.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Camera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Camera - Essay Example Until the execution the power is in the hands of the state, but later, the forces which control the action and the reaction are out of control, more in the hands of the public, the media, and the system. The impact which a picture has on the audience and that which a government has on the masses are greatly subject to individual response and collective reaction. "Like the state, the camera is never neutral. The representations it produces are highly coded and the power it yields is never its own" ("The Burden of Representation: Essays of Photographies and Histories" (John Tagg 2006). The production of the picture taken by the camera is always subject to the point of the view of the photographer. The camera is more powerful than the cameraman. The biases, opinions of the photographer are captured with more depth and detail through the lens of the camera. The picture contains in it messages which are very subjective. The impact is unforeseen. The range with which a camera covers is wider than the vision of the photographer. Many times the impact is more than the expectation. What the eyes see is the expression of influences: perceptual, experiential, and epistemological (John Tagg 2006). The vulnerability and the rawness of the picture are beautifully explained in the book "Raw Histories" by Elizabeth Edwards where she passionately reveals the power which a picture has to shape the history of a government, system or the state. The dynamic role of camera to project different perspective is where the camera's view intersects with the state's vision. Anthropological photographs as 'history' can offer insights into the role of governance, as well as articulate history of past actions. The rawness of interpretation and the ambiguity of perception with which a photograph is loaded add complexity to it as a form of art. It exposes the vulnerability in all of us in framing, containing and releasing their research potential. (Berg Publishers: Raw Histories. 2002). In the field of history of photography and critical theory John Tagg's work is remarkable. His work "The Burden of Representation: Essays of Photographies and Histories" "( John Tagg. 2006). focuses on the importance of a photographic image in the form of archive and display in the museum. His collection of essays concentrates on the history of photography and analysis of its impact on the audience. He cross examines the intersection of power and photographic image. Image can trigger lasting impact on the state as well as the world scene. Camera as an impartial recorder of facts plays an important role in documentation, documentary and governance. His essay powerfully brings out the critical role of camera in projecting an image of the state, for the people of the state. It establishes direct connection between the ruler and the ruled, which crosses over with time with the change of events. Allan Sekula is a photographer, filmmaker, writer and critic In his essay "The Body and the Archive," Alan Sekula examines that the archive is rooted in the culture of this century. The operation of the archive became a device for regulatory control. It led to class and classification, as the basis for photographic interpretation. The apparatus of the camera played a key role in
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Aldi, Lidl and Netto Supermarkets Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Aldi, Lidl and Netto Supermarkets - Case Study Example The macro economic players include government's regulations, global economic trends, development of technology, and social aspects of living. Analysis of the business environment is very important before coming up with a marketing strategy. The marketing style adopted by the three supermarkets (Aldi, Lidl and Natto). The most important players to consider when designing a marketing scheme are the clients and the competitors so that the buyer behaviour can be manipulated to benefit the business by purchasing more while keeping a competitive advantage over competitors (Creevy 2008). Basically the current business environment shows that the number of buyers is reducing as the credit crisis has led to loss of jobs and the consequence of this is reduced purchases as many people cut down of some expenditure. The current estimated consumer cut down is about 57%. The prices of basic products increased considerably over the past few years according to the estimated at 11% per year. The three supermarkets are struggling very had to stay at the top of the business and also venturing into other countries like Germany where they have already won the war. The risk of recession presents an opportunity and the three supermarkets have advertised their land requirements in the media and have predicted an enormous increase (Creevy 2008). The three supermarkets should strife to maintain and increase the market share which is currently at 40% combined with over 500 stores. The marketing mix has been very unique approach as the supermarkets stock assortment of well recognised brands like Nescafe and Heinz plus other Dutch and German products. Over the next twelve to eighteen months, the Aldi, Lidl and Netto supermarkets should improve on their display of products to add glamour. The products range from alcohol brands, bakery, cereals, desserts, sweets, fruits and vegetables, pasta and dried foods, pets and health and beauty. The foods are displayed in fridges and this offers wide-ranging effects of sausage and other snacks. The aisles should be designed in attractive manner in that the discount tags are colorfully displayed with the clothing stacked in an organized manner (Leroux 2009). To diverse the product portfolio, the supermarkets should provide seasonal delicacies like barbecues. Aldi, Lidl and Netto should adopt price cuts and give offers in order to keep up with the competition from other players in the market like Tesco which is greatly competing with them. The current statistics reveals that the value line of Tesco products is lower making these gods cheaper than those offered by Aldi, Lidl and Netto (Leroux 2009). These supermarkets should now realise that customers are very informed and they a understand that discounts do not imply poor quality hence if the use of offering discounts as a marketing strategy is implemented, then the supermarkets are bound to increase their sales by a greater margin. Lidl property director has confirmed that the supermarket is ready to take an extra mile in order to keep competitors at bay and this would include stocking and dealing in any product that would make commercial sense (Duxbury 2008). For this purposes the supermarkets have placed their interests to purchase land on the media as mentioned before, this is as a result of property slump. The supermarket need to maintain good working
Monday, January 27, 2020
Pathology And Laboratory Medicine Organisation Health And Social Care Essay
Pathology And Laboratory Medicine Organisation Health And Social Care Essay My aims of this section will be achieved through independent research, reading and reviewing articles, books, newspapers and accredited websites which will be demonstrated throughout this process of reflection. State the activities that you have carried out to help you to achieve your learning goal? To build a basic understanding in pathology and laboratory medicine organisation several activities were carried out to reflect the learning goals. Initially, through the attendance of lectures, the basic understanding of the five major disciplines such as microbiology, histopathology, cytopathology, clinical chemistry, Haematology and transfusion science was developed which enabled me to appreciate the various roles in pathological science. In supplementation to the notes taken, a variety of books related to the learning objectives of each lecture, were analysed in order to build upon the knowledge gained. This was done through the use of taking notes after actively processing information absorbed. Subsequently, detailed research was undertaken to gain up to date information on the quality standards laid by accredited governing bodies such as IBMS and HPC. To demonstrate, focused learning took place that reflect individual learning goals by looking at relevant journal articles, webs ites, government reports and newspaper articles. Furthermore, peer group discussion helped in expanding knowledge beyond the scope of the module content by discussing the financial factors which influenced the delivery of pathological and laboratory medicine. To conclude, a continual process of reflection will take place to appreciate setbacks, changes and developments in the learning process. How have these activities helped you with your learning? Activities undertaken have had a varied impact on my learning and development of the subject matter. Attending lectures and listening has enabled me to actively process the information by writing down notes. Notes have enabled me to have a basic understanding of the subject matter for example, one of my learning goals was to understand the different disciplines involved in pathological and laboratory medicine. Subsequently, learning objectives were used as a basis for further research in literature. For example, one of my learning objectives was current and future settings for the delivery of pathology and laboratory medicine organisation. The relevant chapters within and beyond the recommended reading lists was read and further notes were taken to supplement my notes thus, further developing my understanding. Moreover, a more complex understanding of certain aspects with in the subject matter was achieved through the activity of reading and analysing current journals and government reports for instance, the Carter Report on National Health Service (NHS) pathology services. Furthermore, examining peered reviewed websites, which were easy to access, gave me valid and up to date information on the quality standards lay down by different governing bodies such as the Health Professional Council (HPC). This enabled me to gain a more focused understanding of the subject content as required. Another activity which aided my learning was taking part in peer group discussion in tutorials. This provided me with knowledge beyond the subject content. For instance, financial impacts on the role a biomedical scientist undertakes. Finally, rigorous reflection has supported my learning by allowing me to change and adapt my learning goals and developed my thought processes. Describe your progress with this topic during the previous three weeks Development within each week was made in accordance to the learning goals I set myself in that week. I created a logical sequence in order to meet aims set within each week, as demonstrated below: Week 1: Learning goals: 1, 5 and 7 To achieve my first learning goal, I attended week 1 lecture on What is pathology and laboratory medicine. This lecture and written notes gave me the understanding of the five major disciplines and sub-specialities and the professional roles associated such as doctors and clinical scientists. Moreover, the relevant books were read to gain a more detailed understanding, these were biomedical science practice: experimental and professional skills and articles such as general pathology helped in consolidating and extending my understanding of the subject. Subsequently, learning goal five was accomplished through lecture 1 and, again, written notes which were highlighted and condensed gave me a broader understanding into quality standards laid down by different governing bodies such as CPA and MHRA and how stringent guidelines, which are followed by pathological laboratories, enable quality and accurate service to be provided. In addition, books and articles such as biomedical science practice: experimental and professional skills chapter 19 were read. Moreover, specialist website such as and was looked at to gain an idea of the specific guidelines that need to be followed by laboratories. Finally, learning goal seven was achieved through lecture 1 and written notes gave me and understanding of the current and future settings for the delivery of the pathological medicine and how the current hospital based lab may become a factory warehouse to maximise space and meet the demands of the workload. To supplement this goal, articles such as the Carter Report was read to further focus my learning on how changes such as Hub and Spoke working could increase effectiveness of the delivery of pathological medicine. Week 2: Learning goals: 2 and 3 The second learning goal was achieved through attendance of the second lecture on pathology and laboratory medicine organisation. This lecture and written notes, again, enabled me to gain the understanding of the services provided by pathology and how it is split into core and specialists services. Furthermore, e-books such as An introduction to biomedical science in professional and clinical practice and from NHS specialised services website, information on specialist services was looked at to supplement my learning. Lastly, learning goal three was accomplished by the end of week 3 through the combination of lecture two and notes taken from e-books and articles such as Pre-analytical Variables in the Chemistry Laboratory helped to further enhance and focus my learning; presenting to me different prospective on the same matter thus, allowing me to reach my own conclusion Week 3: Learning goals: 4, 6 and 8 To attain learning goal four, lecture three in pathology and laboratory medicine allowed me to gain an understanding of the different professional bodies within pathology and their purpose. Notes and further reading in the relevant materials allowed me to actively process the information presented to me and develop my knowledge. To help supplement by progression towards achieving this learning goal, I looked at specialist websites created by the governing bodies in pathology medicine, such as to enable me to gain a specialist insight for instance, the role the professional bodies play in the successful delivery of BSc (Hons) in Biomedical science degree. Moreover, lecture three also allowed me to achieve learning goal six which was to understand the overall contribution of pathology medicine on healthcare. It demonstrated to me how the work undertaken by pathology laboratory is vital to the success and treatment of many diseases such as Tuberculosis (TB). Also, further research in to books like Biomedical sciences: essential laboratory medicine allowed me to gain appreciation of the broad spectrum of work carried out by biomedical scientist and their influence on healthcare. Finally, goal eight was also, achieved in lecture three as it gave me an brief insight into the role of private health care, NHSBT and pharmaceutical companies on pathology medicine. Furthermore, notes and further reading in newspapers such as the Guardian allowed me to understand that Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) is a way of creating Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) to alleviate the financial constraints on the NHS as it cannot afford to do all the tests that is required of them however, in return for their funding, the repayments on the debt owed, is more than what was put in. Describe any setbacks that you have encountered in trying to achieve your learning goal. I believe the word setback can be seen as a positive step in achieving my goals in academia because they are not setbacks but, steps I should avoid when trying to achieve other goals. Setbacks came in many different forms when accomplishing goals in this section. To begin with first setback that I encountered was that my goals didnt reflect the objectives of the lectures. This meant that it was harder to come into the lecture prepared with a brief understanding as I had prepared for different learning goals which were in accordance with my plan. To overcome this I will try to create a plan that can adapt to change and try not to let this have too much of an impact or have an effect on performance within the lecture. Furthermore, another setback was that different array of resources were available in trying to achieve each learning goals. For example, for my first learning goal a wide array of resources was available such as books to articles to newspapers whereas, for some goals not all the types of resources were available. To overcome this I will try to allow more time for researching a particular goal and then while I am gathering information on the topic, I wi ll research again to look at more focused learning sources such as articles. Moreover, on some occasions, when I did locate the necessary articles the abstract was only available. This gave a brief insight, it would have been easier to draw valid conclusions and understand the subject content proposed, if the whole information was available. This was only a slight setback as to overcome this just meant refining my research so that I could locate the complete articles. Another setback was that we did not have a tutorial after the first lecture in pathology and laboratory medicine organisation this meant this impeded my ability to test whether the information that was taught in the lecture was understood and tutorial were also used to provide me with any further detail. However, this was no fault of mine but I just felt a tutorial after the first lecture would have been beneficial in testing the understanding of the lecture. Simply, for this setback I will continue to attend all futur e tutorials. Lastly, another setback was to try and complete the necessary section in time with the interim deadlines that I set myself, to effectively complete the learning log to a decent standard. This was because I did not anticipate the duration of which some the sections of the learning log will take. For example the section where it stated explain what you have learnt took longer than expected due to the further reading that I did. To overcome this I will set myself more realistic interim deadlines which are more reflective of ability to achieve them. Explain what you have learnt Gain an understanding of the different disciplines involved in pathology, for example, microbiology and histopathology, and the professional careers associated. As defined by Bezabeh et al. (2004) [online]), pathology is the scientific study of disease. It is derived from the Latin words patho meaning disease and logy meaning study. Therefore, pathology is the study of disease using scientific methods for example a haematologists will examine blood content by taking a blood test. There are five major disciplines and sub-specialities under pathology: Microbiology and Virology Histopathology Cytopathology and immunology Clinical Chemistry Haematology and Blood Transfusion Microbiology It is the study of pathogens that penetrate the bodys defences and cause disease. A microbiologist will understand the mode of function of a variety of different fungi, bacteria and parasites; they will identify the correct pathogen that has infected the host and recommend the correct antibiotic treatment to eliminate the disease. Many pathogenic diseases identified by microbiologists include tuberculosis, tetanus and meningitis. Virology This is the study of viruses and their mode of action in terms of penetration and infectious ability. Viral diseases that are commonly identified are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), chickenpox and German measles. Virologists also have major roles in the production and efficiency of vaccines. Histopathology This is the study of tissue structure and components which can relate to the establishment of disease. Common samples are from living individuals during surgery or deceased individuals in a post mortem. Sample size ranges from small samples such as biopsies to whole organs to identify the ailment afflicting the individual (Glencross, 2011). Moreover, histologists will look at abnormal features or functions of tissue to establish which disease is infecting the individual. Many types of tumours such as benign or malignant ones which lead to cancerous diseases such skin cancers are identified due to their appearance on the skin. Cytopathology This is the study of cells not tissues and abnormal features or components in cellular material will allow cytologists to identify the infecting disease. The samples are from a wide variety of sources such as cervical smears or natural shedding in the mouth when a swab is taken (Glencross, 2011). This is then studied under a microscope. Clinical cytopathologists, medical staff and biomedical scientists work closely together to interpret the results from a patient and administer the correct diagnosis to the affected individual. Immunology It is the study of the immune system and its role in inhibiting infectious diseases such as tumours, parasitic infestations and allergies. Their samples come from a wide array of sources such as blood samples and urine samples. Variety of tests which are carried out by immunologists on samples can be either automated or manual (Glencross, 2011). A disease of the immune system is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) which is the result of a HIV infection. AIDS disables the immune system thus, allowing infected individual to become more prone to diseases and without a defence mechanism the individual dies. Clinical chemistry Tests on blood or other biological materials such as urine are carried out to understand and diagnose diseases such as diabetes which renders a person unable to absorb sugar properly which can lead to dangerously high blood-sugar levels in the blood plasma which leads to a Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (HHS) which is life threatening (Diabetes UK, 2012) [online]). Toxicology studies on the liver and kidney are also carried out and tests can be done to monitor the development of disease. Haematology This is the study of the physiology of blood samples taken by nurses. Samples are required by medical staff such as doctors to identify diseases such as anaemia or leukaemia. Haematological tests will identify in the blood sample, the amount erythrocytes or haemoglobin is present so that medical staffs and biomedical scientists can determine if the patient is anaemic so that treatment can start immediately. Transfusion science Transfusion science involves the sorting, identification and administration of blood and blood products to individuals that require it. For example, anaemic patients, patients suffering from blood loss or individuals involved in a road traffic accident. The primary source of blood is from blood donors who can donate their blood which is then stored and prepared for re-administration to individuals that require it (Glencross, 2011). Blood is regarded as a product so, it is highly regulated by the MHRA which makes sure that hospitals and other organisation follow EU directives which were transferred into UK law through the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations 2005 in UK Blood transfusion and tissue transplantation service (UKBTS), 2012) [online]. There are many professional careers that are in pathology. They are: Doctors Clinical Scientists Biomedical Scientists Assistant Practitioners Cytoscreeners Medical Laboratory Assistants Anatomical Pathology Technicians Administration and Clerical staff There are many routes to each of the professions for example, to become a biomedical scientist, who can specialise in any of the five departments of pathology after further training, a Bachelors of Science (BSc) degree in biomedical science must be obtained and state registration on the Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC) register is also required to be able to practice as a biomedical scientists in the National Health Service (NHS) or other organisations. To understand the organisation within pathology and laboratory medicine including the variety of specialist services provided. There are services in pathology and laboratory medicine that can be classified under: traditional, core and specialist services. The five major departments within pathology are categorised under these three services. As stated by Beastall (2008) the NHS laboratories have always provided twenty-four hour services in clinical biochemistry, haematology and blood transfusion. However, services in microbiology and histopathology have been provided by core laboratories may that be not always on a daily basis. The above services cover the five major departments which should be provided to everyone and at most if not every NHS hospital. Specialist services as defined by (NHS specialised services, 2012) [online] is a service that has a planning population of one million which means that it will not be available to everyone or by every hospital, typically, it is provided by less than 50 hospitals. Such services relate to rare disorders or conditions such as mutations in lymphomas and leukaemia s which require specialist equipment in pathology laboratories for diagnosis and treatment. There are a variety of services of specialist services that have developed for example Ophthalmic Pathology Services which diagnoses and provides advice on eye conditions. Services include diagnosis for malignant and non-malignant conditions for a variety of specimens including eyelid, conjunctiva and cornea. Moreover, a more recent development of specialised services in histopathology and haematological oncology services is molecular pathology which looks at genetic analysis for the diagnosis and prognosis of tumours in breast cancers, lymphomas and leukaemias. A demonstration of good practice is the Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) testing human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 protein (HER2) in breast cancer to select patients suitable for Herceptin  ®. Herceptin  ® is the first monoclonal antibody which binds onto the HER2 receptor blocking human growth factor from binding thus preventing the chance of uncontrolled replications which lead to tumours. To determine whether patients require Herceptin  ® patients are tested using immunohistocompatibility (IHC) test which detects HER2 proteins through staining tumour cell membranes (, 2012) [online]. Many other specialist services are provided by the pathology laboratory medicine departments in the NHS to treat complex disorders that your average NHS hospital cannot deal with such as Bone Marrows, Colourimetric in Situ Hybridisation (CISH) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests. To understand the process that takes place when the samples arrive in pathological lab to when it leaves There are three stages in the processing of samples from when it arrives to when it leaves, these are: Pre-analytical Analytical Post-analytical Pre-analytical It is a phase in the process which deals with the request for a sample to be taken to when it is ready for the analytical phase in a laboratory. In this phase nearly 32 75% of errors occurs which delays and makes the job of a biomedical scientist harder (Magee (2005) [online]). There are many types of errors than can occur, these are: Patient Identification: this is important as you need to take the sample from the correct patient. If it is done incorrectly then this can contribute to laboratory error Patient Preparation: this is again very important because if one needs to take a blood sample to test glucose level, the patient has to fast prior to the sample collection so that when the sample is taken it will not give an inaccurate reading Proper Tube Mixing: once the blood sample has been taken correctly then good mixing needs to occur to distribute the clotting factors in the tube evenly so that the sample does not clot in anyway Correct Specimen Volume: this s essential as each specified volume on the tube has the correct additive and if too much is added to a tube which is above the specified, it will distort the blood-additive ratio thus contributing to a lab error (Magee (2005) [online]) There are many other errors that could occur, above is a synoptic view of the wide variety of errors that could occur. Analytical phase This phase is when the specimen that has been taken, for example, a blood sample is tested in an auto analyser or other analytical machines to get a full blood count of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. This is done electronically and there is a very low error rate. The possibility of error only occurs with human intervention during reading and recording result or when the specimen is put into the machine. An error could also occur if the machine is faulty and that its fault is not picked up in time. Post-analytical phase This phase involves the time form when it has been fully analysed to when it arrives back at the organisation from where it came from. This phase also can have a lot of errors in it which again reduces the accuracy of results. There are many errors that could occur, for example: If an analyst is under pressure to produce test results required urgently, he or she may be tempted to present the results which look credible but has been achieved through the breach of Westgards rules which is identified through internal quality control (Pitt and Cunningham, 2009, pp. 111) [online]). This error or factor may highlight someone as ill when they are not, which is very serious. Post analytic data entry error: this is dangerous as it can highlight someone as ill when they are not Oral miscommunication of results Error in reporting to downstream printer and fax Provider fails to retrieve test result: this causes further delays and the sample has to be searched and retrieved Failure to communicate critical value Provider misinterprets lab result: this and the above error again could harm the patient as they could be given drugs that they do not require There are many other errors that could occur in this phase and these errors are a direct result of human error. To make the system more efficient the pre and post-analytical phase should become more automated to reduce the risk of human error however, this action may reduce the number of jobs available to medical laboratory assistants which again is another factor to consider when trying making pathology medicine more efficient. To find out about the different professional bodies within pathology and their purpose There are four main professional bodies that governs pathology, they are: Institute for Biomedical Science (IBMS) Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) The IBMS is a professional body for biomedical science in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1912 and has 16000 active members. The body aims to promote and develop biomedical science and its members. It has three primary roles in biomedical science: General This involves setting standards of practices for biomedical scientists to protect patients. Also, the institute represents the interests of biomedical science to the universities, media and government. Furthermore, they promote public awareness and advises government departments on all matters relating to biomedical science Educational The institute accredits university degrees and assess qualifications for registration with the HCPC. Also, they assess the competence for biomedical scientists to practice and they award Chartered Scientists status. Scientific They update members through meeting and professional events and organise continual professional development schemes. Furthermore, they publish scientific research and professional development documents. They help part fund critical research in the development of medicine. Also, they can be assessors for senior job interviews The role of the IBMS is not explicitly narrowed down to the above as they also, work closely with the institute of HCPC to help develop and accredit competent biomedical scientists. The HCPC is a UK-wide regulatory body which is responsible for setting and maintaining standards of proficiency, professional training, performance and conduct of healthcare professionals. The purpose of imposing regulations is to protect the patient, the professionals and to prosecute anyone who breaks their rules and regulations. Moreover, the HCPC publishes a wide variety of documents to help registered scientists to understand exactly what is required of them when practicing. Also, in the documents on the HCPC website, there are several rules on how to act in the best interest of your patient and how to keep high standards of personal conduct. For example, one of the rules is that you should be aware that conduct outside your programme may affect whether or not you are allowed to complete your programme or register with us (HCPC (2012) [online]). This means that the conduct of a biomedical scientist regulated in and out of the work place and any wrongdoing of a biomedical scientists will be referred to the HCPC for conduct unfitting for a professional outside of work and although this does not mean they will be struck of the register, there is still a possibility of this happening (Ricketts, 2012). Moreover, to continue to remain on this register, it is obligatory to sign a personal declaration every two ye ars, confirming that he or she meets their standards of proficiency and competence to practice. Also, evidence for Continual Professional Development (CPD) is required to prove the validity of the personal declaration document (Glencross, 2011). The CPA originated in 1992, from a collaboration of four institutes: the Royal College of Pathologists, the Association of Clinical Pathologists, the Institute of Biomedical Science, and the Association for Clinical Biochemistry. CPA primarily accredited medical laboratories but now they have extended their accreditation to External Quality Assessment (EQA) schemes. The CPA is a non-profiting distributing institute that act in the best interest of the public (CPA (2012) [online]). Moreover, the CPA evaluates and declares the capability of the medical laboratories and External Quality Assessments (EQA) schemes in the UK and overseas. This will give the public the confidence that there specimens, are sent to laboratories that adhere to the strictest regulations and will be treated properly. Although this registration for laboratories is voluntary, if they do enrol it will demonstrate that they have been assessed against the accepted standards and will ensure that there is the highest standards in the NHS laboratories (CPA (2012) [online]). There are many other governing bodies such as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) which regulate the blood products in a pathological laboratory. This is essential in pathology as peoples lives are at stake and the results are needed to be accurate as it can determine whether a patient is critically or not. This gives the public confidence that the tests are carried to the highest accuracy and that the laboratory abides by the strictest rules to provide highly quality outcomes. To learn about the quality standards laid down by different governing bodies which all biomedical scientists and pathological laboratories are obliged to follow. The environment of healthcare is very controlled, with internal and external quality control checks to ensure that the highest standards are maintained at all times. To assess this conformation, there are formal standards to comply with also there are clinical and non-clinical checks by independent assessors of the laboratory from the CPA, if the laboratory is registered with them. This will ensure a high standard is maintained in every individual associated with the laboratory. There are many governing bodies, United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), CPA, Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and MHRA, which assess clinical laboratories against a wide variety of standards. This is done through professional quality inspectors and peer assessors from within the profession. The CPA which is a part of UKAS works to accredit medical laboratories to standards laid down in ISO 15189, Medical laboratories Particular requirements for quality and competence which incorporates ISO 9001 which are adhered to by the CPA. In these international standards, they cover eight major areas: Organisation and quality management system (A standards) Personnel (B standards) Premises and environment (C standards) Equipment, information systems, and materials (D standards) Pre-Examination process (E standards) Examination process (F standards) Post examination process (G standards) Evaluation and quality assurance (H standards) CPA assessment will take place every four years by three assessors, two from UKAS and one peer assessors which are normally clinical experts in specific fields such as immunology (Glencross, 2011). All of this is done to ensure that patient specimen examinations are done accurately, to a high standard and conform to high health safety standards to give the patient the highest confidence that the tests will be carried out properly and the results will be accurate. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) regulates medicines, medical devices and equipment used in healthcare and investigates harmful incidents. Also, they regulate blood and blood products to ensure that when administered to patients that the blood sample has been treated, stored and administered in accordance with the rules set down by the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations (BSQR) (MHRA (2008) [online]). MHRA inspection takes place when a laboratory fills in an online compliance report to the MHRA, they will then assess the report in accordance to the BSQR and then if any further action is required, MHRA will send an inspector who will check the traceability, quality and storage of blood to ensure the laboratory is complying to the MHRA standards, this will normally take about a day to complete (Glencross, 2011) Also, MHRA publish standards on medicine and medicinal devices to ensure that any medical product has been stringently regulated to ensure highest patient safety. They regulate a variety of thing such as new biological compound or chemical compounds, new forms of existing medicines and r
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ben and Jerry Corporate Culture Essay
Ben and Jerry’s corporate culture is one that focuses on the environment, its products, and people. The corporate culture of â€Å"Doing Good by Doing Good†and â€Å"Peace, Love and Ice cream†establish the guideposts for how employees behave in the business. Ben and Jerry’s hold a deep respect for people both inside and outside the company. Ben believes that â€Å"Businesses have a responsibility to give back to the community,†while Jerry believes that â€Å"If it’s not fun, why do it? †Both Ben and Jerry have had a profound effect on establishing the values of the company. Ben and Jerry’s philosophy of having fun has permeated the corporate culture and the ice cream flavors that are being sold in the marketplace today. Flavors such as Karmel Sutra, Imagine Whirled Peace, and Magic Brownie are popular flavors today while Cherry Garcia named after Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead was one of the first fun flavors. Ben and Jerry’s encountered recent controversy when it named a new flavor after a Saturday Night Live character, Schweddy Balls. The company’s bold position on having fun and being brave has been controversial, but it has not hurt the company’s profitability. Ben and Jerry’s strives to have a positive impact on the environment. The company has a philosophy of producing food in a way that is not wasteful or harmful to the environment. Some of the ways Ben and Jerry’s is trying to help the economy and use safe food methods is by using family farms in rural communities to produce their ice cream products. While this helps keeps the environment clean and cut down on waste, it also helps family farms prosper. The company realizes that the economic wealth of the country is wide and they want to produce ice cream in a way that provides prosperity to farmer while ensuring corporate profitability. In addition, they want to be able to provide ice cream to everyone no matter how much or how little money they might have. Ben and Jerry’s has their own foundation that awards 1. 8 million dollars annually to organizations in the country. Some of the different programs that Ben and Jerry’s supports are The Grassroots Organization for Social Change Program, The National Movement Building Grant Program, The Vermont Capacity Building Grant Program, The Vermont Community Action Teams Grant Programs, and The Employee Matching Gift Program. Ben and Jerry’s also gives back to its customers. Each year they show thanks to all of their loyal customers by giving them a â€Å"Free Cone Day†once a year. Free Cone Day is when every customer who comes into a Ben and Jerry’s that day will get a free ice cream cone. Ben and Jerry’s corporate culture has been successful by aligning its values to people, product and the environment. The corporate culture of Ben and Jerry’s has given the company a unique brand that has proven to be profitability amid some controversial ice cream flavors. Ben and Jerry’s value corporate responsibility by doing the good and having fun at the same time.
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